Netherhall Learning Campus High School

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Netherhall Learning Campus High School

Personal Development and Wellbeing Education

Personal Development Curriculum Statement of Intent

The Personal Development Curriculum at Netherhall Learning Campus covers the following areas:

  • Rights, Responsibilities and Core Values
  • Relationship and Sex Education
  • Careers and Living in the Wider World Education
  • Celebrating Diversity and Equality
  • Mental and Physical Health and Wellbeing Education
  • Staying Safe online and Offline

Our school mission statement ‘Success for All’ embodies our attitude and intentions towards the importance of the development of all aspects of the Personal Development curriculum. Teachers of the sex and Relationships curriculum have undergone specialist training in order to equip them with the required knowledge and skills to deliver an informative and encompassing curriculum. Plans for RSE, and curriculum links to statutory content are shared with parents and consultation is undertaken through Parent Voice and followed up with information evenings where these are required.

All our pupils are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of the school and the wider community. In doing so, pupils learn to recognise their own worth, develop a sense of their own identity and the ability to take their place as valuable and productive members of the wider community.

The Personal Development curriculum is implemented in a number of ways. These include:

  • All pupils at NLC receive one discrete 1-hour lesson per week on Personal Development
  • Year 7 and 8 receive, in addition, an hour of Mental Health awareness per week
  • Year 7 receive 26 hours dedicated Careers lessons
  • Personal Development education is also a cross curricular subject with all curriculum
  • areas contributing, in a variety of ways, and are highlighted in their Schemes of Work.
  • Tutor times are focussed and purposeful as an extension of the Personal Development curriculum, and all pupils experience one themed assembly per week.
  • There is an abundance of extra-curricular activities at Netherhall. We have a tradition of trips which introduce our pupils to wide and varied experiences, building their schematic knowledge and cultural capital.
  • Our Enrichment Days allow pupils to interact with a range of professionals and learn valuable life lessons which will help them make informed choices as they progress into adulthood

Pupils are encouraged to reflect on their experiences and to recognise how they are developing personally and socially, addressing the spiritual, social, moral and cultural and health issues that form an intrinsic part of growing up.

The Personal Development curriculum encourages students to learn more about themselves as growing and changing individuals. Students have the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills and understanding necessary to enable them to make informed decisions about all aspects of their lives, as they develop from children into young adults. Students will also learn to respect the views, needs and rights of others, including people of different genders, ages and cultures to themselves. Students have the opportunity to broaden, extend and challenge their knowledge, values and skills to prepare them for life in modern Britain, with the aim of making students productive citizens.

Personal Development education plays a critical role in preparing all young people for the next stage of their education or training and beyond. Expectations are high, including for our most vulnerable and those with special educational needs and disabilities. Students are challenged appropriately and acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes for lifelong learning so that they become more adaptable and resilient, make decisions and transitions, become more enterprising and able to present themselves well with applications and interviews. This will help every young person to realise their potential and enhance their employability.


The impact of Personal Development education is measured in a number of ways. These include:

  • Confidence Trackers
  • Gatsby Benchmarks through Compass Plus
  • Destinations Data
  • Minimised NEET Figures through early intervention
  • Improved attendance figures
  • Reduced behavioural incidents

To view the Personal Development Learning Journey please click here  Personal Development Learning Journey

To view the yearly planner please click here  Yearly Planner

To view the RSE Rationale and Guidance please click here RSE Rationale and Guidance

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