Netherhall Learning Campus High School

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Netherhall Learning Campus High School


The Positive Discipline Policy focuses as a community on rewarding first and sanctioning second. We work with families very closely to nurture our students whilst also challenging them to be the best version of themselves. We hold high standards in the school and work hard to support our students in reaching those standards.

Attitude to learning, attendance, punctuality and respect is evident throughout the building and the school ethos at all levels and is directly linked to rewards and trips. Students understand that positive actions and efforts are rewarded and praised.

Attendance, uniform, equipment and attitude to learning is a key focus for all staff across all Year Groups. This is monitored very closely by all staff and Year Group teams to record on a daily basis to enable rewards to be issued at a weekly, half termly, termly and an end of year basis. 

All our staff work extremely hard to make sure that all students follow and adhere to the basic expectations of behaviour and attitude to learning, in all subject areas, and all lessons. Through the ‘buddy’ system, all behaviour sanctions are recorded centrally enabling both Heads of Year and Heads of Department to carry out behaviour analysis that focuses on supporting both staff and members and our students. 

The Learning Support Unit offers a place for identified students who may require additional support in accessing their lessons, this is a structured and personalised response to supporting our students.

Please click on the link below for more information about behaviour expectations. 

September 22-23 NLC Behaviour presentation

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