Netherhall Learning Campus High School

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Netherhall Learning Campus High School

Attendance matters

Important attendance information for you and your child from September 2024.

The new sharing of daily school registers between the Department of Education, school and Kirklees, will create a new attendance data set which will help schools more easily spot and support children displaying worrying trends of persistent absence (below 90%).
Parent fines for unauthorised absences will also be brought under a national framework. These fines will be issued if a child misses 5 days of school due to unauthorised absence. The costs for fines will be £80 if paid within 21 days and from £160 if paid within 28 days.

Please click the link below for the Attendance Handbook with further information regarding the new government reform for tackling unauthorised absences in schools. 

NLC Attendance Matters Parents Handbook

It is important to have a good education and at Netherhall Learning Campus and we want to give your child the best possible start to be fully prepared for their life after school.

Your child’s chances of a successful future can be affected by their attendance; pupils who miss even a small amount of school can struggle to catch up with any missed learning. Statistically, those students who have an outstanding attendance record in school perform better throughout their education and in their final exams.

Each student has a target of 95% for their attendance over the academic year and this is something we celebrate each term with our students through certificates, prize draws, achievement points and weekly early lunch passes!

We are always striving to be better and you can support us in making sure your child attends school regularly to ensure they are given the best possible chances of achieving throughout their education.

Attendance Policy Campus

Attendance matters

Reporting an absence for your child or requesting term time leave

Reporting an Absence

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