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End of 2021/22 Term

A reminder that school closes at 12pm on Friday 22nd July 2022 to students. Please ensure that any taxis or other transport home is rearranged accordingly. If your child receives free school meals, their daily allowance can be used during break time on the last day to purchase sandwiches, paninis, pizza etc.
Reminder that if your child would like to take part in any summer activities over the holidays, our community hub co-ordinator has collated many of the activities taking place across Kirklees and are available to view by clicking here

In September school re-opens as follows:
Tuesday 6th September 2022 for our students joining us in Year 7 and Year 11
Wednesday 7th September 2022 for our students in Year 8, Year 9 and Year 10

All term dates for 2022/23 can be found here  - Term dates

We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our families an enjoyable summer break.

Netherhall Learning Campus High School

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